Both done in those new-ish Prismacolor crayon(wax) sticks. Different medium to maneuver, cause it's a stick. The pencil has a lot more control and finer edges.
Both pages are 11x15.
Thanks to Eric Ross for being my inspiration/reference!
I am officially a cover artist! I have been working on this project for a little while and now I can announce it: I did the book cover for The Lost Gods by Horace Brickley . He wanted a cover with zombies, and I decided to play around with the idea of a wrap around cover. He loved it and it took off from there. He asked me to put all the 'dead' in their burial clothes, and as the project was coming close to it's due date, I had forgotten about the request and drew an Sikh in a turban. The 'sweater vest' is usually not what they are buried in, so I had to take him out. In the book cover, he's not in there, but in the original drawing he's there next to the Maori lady. I tried to vary all the Zombies, a Grecian woman, a Gascon Marque, a modern man in a suit, a Catholic priest, a Mexican seƱorita, an old 1920's lady with her fox fur wrap, a Pharaoh, a WWII African American nurse (cause I love how they fought the bigots in order to serve their coun...
The two halves of Catalina's tattoo. Key will be placed on inner thigh. Skull with lock is on her forearm. Ink and Bristol. Thanks Cat for the opportunity for my art to be permanently yours.
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